Level 1
Level 1 sets up some two cornerstone routines and you will experiment with habits and practice tracking them.
You can and should bring all your existing daily habits, you can track them if you'd like but they don't count as credit for moving forward.
Level 1 Kickoff
Get a paper journal to track your progress and use for reflections. Write down all your existing daily habits in your journal.
Minimum Viable Routines
See level 0 for instructions on setting up your morning and end-of-day routines. If you have already gone through level 0, just keep up and track your progress.
Create a network of 45ers
Cont.45 values community involvement, so reach out to those around you and find out if anyone wants to run the program with you. Start a group chat with anyone who wants to join in.
Habit Experimentation
3 - 15 day experiments with 5 habits
set 1 (days 1 -15)
- Wake up same time every day
- Brush and floss your teeth
- Give up liquor
- Tidy for 10 minutes
- Stretch for 3 minutes
set 2 (days 16-30)
- Give up soda
- Face care routine
- Read at least 1 page a day (no audio)
- Take a 10 minute walk
- no phone/tablet after (choose your time) o'clock
set 3 (days 31-45)
- Take a vitamin or supplement
- Track your water intake
- Write down at least 1 sentence about your day
- Give up french fries and chips
- Reach out to someone you care about, you can text, call, visit, send a letter, ect.
Acceptance criteria (must meet or exceed to move on)
- MVA:SOD and MVA:EOD tracked and completed above 41 days.
- Track your 15-day experimentation habits, it doesn't matter if you were able to do the habit consistently since the idea of the experiments is just to learn and practice.
At the end of each level, if you move on or repeat, you have earned 3 days off that can be banked or used any day you don't want to count as one of your 45 days. You should decide to use the day off in advance or if an emergency comes up.